Welcome to Windjammers Sailing Club!
Now in its 82nd consecutive year, Windjammers offers more sailing events on and off the water than any other organization in the Long Island Sound area. What could be more fun than getting your friends and family together for an evening of casual Thursday night racing from May to September? For serious racing, there are numerous weekend regattas held throughout the season. We also have an active group of cruising sailors who venture to coves and ports throughout the region all season long. And you won't want to miss the family focused Annual Port Jefferson Race & Rendezvous -- a fun combination of racing, cruising, and celebration of summer! Windjammers members range from highly competitive captains and crew to those more interested in just the fun of it all. There are plenty of non-sailors who just enjoy the social aspect of the club. There is something fun for just about anyone. For more information about these activities, please click through our website.
The success and growth of Windjammers can only be attributed to our active and enthusiastic membership, which continues to grow each year. If you would to join Windjammers, please see the application form at the "The Club" link above.
Let's Go Sailing!
A Word from Bob Davies
One of the WSC founders
The idea of a sailing organization was conceived in 1943, when i was working in the engineering dept. of Chance Vought Aircraft, maker of the famous gull-wing Corsair, with my very good friend and sailing buddy, Herb Buerger. We knew there were quite a few sailors working there, and invited them to attend a meeting to discuss our plans for a club. The plan was enthusiastically received and endorsed, and our next step was to think of a suitable name to be voted on. At the next meeting my entry of Windjammers, after the old-time square rigged clipper ships, received the majority of votes.
Some of the original members, besides myself and Herb, were Wayne Pierce, Art Hunt, Ron Small, Charlie Kussmall, Charlie Seaver, Vince Rheinberger, Hank Gibbons, Felix Bergwall, Dave Comstock, and possibly a few others whose names escape me.
The next step was to have an election of officers, the results of which I don’t remember. At any rate, once organized, we had races every Saturday, Sunday, and holiday, throughout the summer. We even had at least one overnight race, to and around Faulkner's lsland, and back.
After World War Two, when Chance Vought moved to Dallas, Texas, the club lost some of it's original members, but fortunately was saved by local sailors, who kept it going.
It is gratifying to me, that something l had a hand in starting, is still active after 74 years. Keep it going!
-Bob Davies